Friday, 24 July 2009

Chris Brown's Fake Apology

At the beginning of this week singer Chris Brown finally made a public apology to Rihanna for knocking her lights out in a form of a video (shown above).

Maybe it's me but that apology look awfully fake to me. It looks over rehearsed as if he was like let me just over and with this already. Also I find it very convenient that he decides to apologise now. I mean he's been seen in and out of the studio recently, is he trying to get back his fans who have fallen off the wagon since the February incident.

Whatever it is I think the boy's apology is fake and it was done for his own good.

On a side note I think there's more to this Chris Brown-Rihanna assault. I want the fool story before I can completely make up my mind about the assault. But Chris was wrong in smacking the girl, no matter what he shouldn't lay his hands on a female unless in a life or death situation, which i doubt it was.

Yep, Mpume said so


  1. and again he had to say he grew up in a family where there was domestic violence. what an excuse.

  2. that's a cheap ass excuse. bloody hell! rumours are continuing to fly about them being back together
