Friday, 10 July 2009

Shut up I don't want you

I get this all the time, I could be anywhere, walking in town, at the queu in the supermarket or in the taxi. Some random guy that I’ve never met in my entire life greets me. Ok I don’t mind a total stranger greeting me coz it’s so common in my culture. I mean I’m a township girl through and through and in the township people greet each other as if they’ve known each other for years. And it’s not creepy, in a matter of fact if you don’t greet a person you cross paths with on the street you are seen as a snob.

So anyways here I am and this guy I don’t know greets him. As a sweet girl as I am I smile and greet him back…and that’s when the trouble starts. Soon after that this complete stranger moves in and start making small meaningless talk with me, only if he knew how much I hate small talk. Hell I even avoid people I know because I just know that I will be forced to make small talk with them. My policy is if you don’t have anything interesting and meaninglful to say shut the hell up, I don’t wanna talk about the weather.

Ok now back to the topic at hand. Now this dude automatically thinks I wanna start up a conversation with or some sick reason thinks I actually want him. Well newsflash 99.99% of the time I don’t. It’s like my kind gesture a secrete way for me to say “oh yes I want you here’s my number”.

I’ve greeted him back with a smile and the next thing that comes out of his mouth is “what is your name?”, after a significantly long pause I irritatitly say: “Mpume”. It’s like he didn’t realise that I don’t want to talk to him coz the questions don’t stop there. He then asks “What’s your surname?” (he wants to make sure we don’t have the same surname). Even more irritated then I was I tell him “Zuma”, in a low voice looking away from him. If we have the same surname he’s gonna shout and say “You lying” and if they not the small talk will begin.

No matter how pull my mouth, give one word answers or show that I’m not interested he don’t give a damn. The small talk will end up with him asking for my phone number. No is never an aswer too, excuses too. He wants that number. Depend on where the place I am able to say hell no I won’t give you my number. But there are situations where I will give him my number so he can shut up, and then he becomes an irritation in my life. Hell I even get calls from people I don’t remember meeting and this why I don’t answer cellphone numbers I don’t know anymore. And when I give him an attitude he will think I’m being rude.

So guys please learn to read if a girl wants to talk to you or if she wants you to call her beyond that day. If she gives you one word answers, not looking at you when she’s talking to you or you have to beg her for your number. She’s not playing hard to get, she don’t want you PERIOD so LEAVE HER ALONE.

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