Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Was Obama’s interest in Ghana for oil?

My second favourite president in the whole entire world Barack Obama made his first visit to Sub-Saharan Africa this weekend by taking a visit to the west African nation of Ghana.

From what I saw and read from the news this weekend Ghanaians were in jubilation about the the visit of the son of an African immigrant. I even heard a lot of Ghanains posponed weddings and funerals that were scheduled for the weekend. I don’t if that’s pure craziness or are Ghanaians that in love with the american president.

Despite all of that I still smelly something very fishy about Obama’s visit to the oil rich west African nation. During his visit Obama stated:

“One of the principles that I want to bring to the US/Africa relationship is
that economic development in Africa is not just going to be based on dribbles of
foreign aid, but rather on how do we build capacity within Africa…We want to,
wherever we can, provide the kinds of access to the US global markets that can
really make a difference.”

I just wonder if those ‘global markets’ relate to oil. We all know the US is oil greedy and if anyone disputes that I have one word for you…IRAQ. Where are those weapons of mass destruction? I watched Fahrenheit 911.

President Obama also gave his reasons for visiting Ghana. He said his reasons for visiting Ghana was because of the “tremendous work they’ve done in developing a functioning democracy”. As if we have never heard that one before in an oil rich country. Am I sensing another invasion?

President Obama may be the answer for most African Americans and Africa but the man doesn’t run the richest country in the world single handedly. All I can say is that we shouldn’t expect much from the man and don’t rule out nothing too.

I still heart him though until he invades Ghana.

Yes Mpume said so.

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