Sunday, 12 July 2009

Obama's mistaken G8 perverted blunder explained + video

There's a picture (above) of American President Barack Obama that has been causing quet a stir, it even landed on my mailbox.

Now this picture appears to show Obama checking out a young woman's butt at the G8 summit in Italy. And the look on French President Sarkozy makes it look even worse.

When I saw this picture I knew there was more to the story than what meets the eye. Infact the video shows it was Sarkozy who was enjoying the view. Check out the video below to see what i'm talking about.

I don't make this a race thing coz it's not but why are people bring my favourite president (after JZ of course) down. I mean didn't any of these fools who were thinking Obama is a perverted soul checking out woman's side could have been looking on the floor and coensidanly there was a young woman walking by (btw she's 16).

I don't wanna rant and rave like Khanyi Mbau but I heart Obama and stop trying to make him look bad.

Now Sarckozy on the other had I wouldn't blame him for drooling at the view. If I was lesbian I would but not before I find out that she's 16 years old. It goes to show picture can say a thousand wrong words.

Men will always be men, pervert (with the exception of Obama of course)

Yep, Mpume said so!

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